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Avoid COVID-19 & Other Scams

Don’t respond to texts, emails, or calls about checks from the government. If you need to contact your bank or the government, call directly from numbers you have verified are legitimate.

Another scam going around is someone calling pretending to be from the bank or government and verifying themselves with a code sent to your phone. In many instances, the code is a 2FA code for one of your accounts that they have the password for and need the extra information to log into your account.

Ignore online offers or payment for vaccinations and home test kits.

There are no products proven to treat or prevent COVID-19 at this time.

Watch for emails claiming to be from the CDC or WHO. Use sites like and to get the latest information.

Don’t click on links from sources you don’t know.

Do not click on any documents from anyone you do not know. Verify documents sent from a person before opening up. Just because it came from someone you know does not mean that their account was not compromised, and a virus was transmitted.

Do not click on links from text messages from people you do not know.

Verify from people that you do know.

Use different passwords on different sites.

To help remember passwords use password phrases that you can remember and add symbols and number.

Never reuse passwords. This attack was just used against Zoom subscribers with great success.

Don’t add unnecessary browser extensions or notifications.

Think before you use Social Media and how you share information. The principal risk is ID fraud. Trawling for personal details is the modern day equivalent of "dumpster-diving". Many of the same people who have learned to shred documents like bank statements will post the same information on social media. Once that information is out there, you have lost control. If you aren't willing to stand at Times Square and say it, don't put it on social media.

Always use (2FA) two-factor authentication on all online accounts.

Do not use public Wi-Fi.

If you have no choice then use a secure VPN service.

Don't store your card details on websites.

Lock your phone and tablet devices.

Be careful using ATM's and Gas Station Credit Card Readers. Credit card skimming involves thieves attaching devices on gas pumps, ATMs and other machines that read and gather your card information. Skimmers read the magnetic strip on the card, which gives fraudsters the full name on the card, the credit card number and the expiration date.

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